57 Main Street • Swansea, MA 02777



Parish Life
Our Mission Statement:
We are a joyful community celebrating Jesus Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

Memorial & Thanks Giving Flowers for the Altar & Pulpit
If you would like to provide flowers for the altar on a Sunday, please contact Leslie at the Parish Office at 508-678-0923. Please be aware that many Sundays are already spoken for in advance. We do have a Memorial Candle with can be named in Thanksgiving or Remembrance.

After the 10:00 AM service, these flowers are then delivered by volunteer Visitors to some of our homebound parishioners.

We are very much in need of Parish Visitors to bring flowers out to our homebound or ill parishioners on Sundays after the 10:00 am service. Would you be willing to serve occasionally in this ministry? Please let Father Al know.

Rick Kirkpatrick, co-Warden

Susan Pavao, co-Warden

Bruce Simbro, Treasurer

Jackie Bates, Clerk

Vestry meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Parish House.

Coffee hour is held in the Parish house following the Sunday 8am and 10am services. This is a good way to meet and socialize with the members of the church.

Al Deston, Minister of Music, leads the church choir during the 10am worship service on Sundays. New members are always welcome in the choir.

Choir rehearsals are held Sunday mornings at 9:15 am.

Stewardship Committee
Our Stewardship Journey
Pledge forms can be obtained through the office, or at the back of the church. Thank you for your wonderful generosity! Don’t forget – if you would like to have a discussion about the breakdown of our income and how it is used, don’t hesitate to give the Rector or one of the Wardens a call. You can also find monthly budget statements at the back of the church or through the office.