EducationWelcome to our school!“Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them;
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’ ” (Matthew 19:14)
At Christ Church, we want to welcome children and young people as Jesus welcomed them, and help them to learn about the Christian faith and life. We are blessed with dedicated and enthusiastic teachers who are committed to offering a creative program in a caring environment.
Church School for pre-K through 6th grade begins on most Sundays at 9:45 am in the parish house; children then join their parents for Holy Eucharist in the church.Our Teen Program, the Episcopal Youth Committee – EYC, is open to all young people from 6th grade through high school. The class meets at 10:00 am every other Sunday in the parish house; teens then join their parents for Holy Eucharist in the church.Confirmation ClassesAnyone from the age of 13 and up who has been baptized is eligible for confirmation, although it is strongly recommended that people be at least 14 or 15 years old. Please contact the rector if interested.
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