Christ Church CemeteryChrist Church Cemetery Rules And Regulations
Christ Church Cemetery is a final resting-place available to members of the Christ Church family.
The bodies of the faithfully departed rest near the place where they once worshipped. Christ Church’s Cemetery is not a commercial cemetery, but a house of worship with an adjoining cemetery. This is to be a quiet respectful place for solitude.
A Brief HistoryTwo years after the establishment of Christ Church, 1846, one of the actions of the new parish was to lay out a cemetery and to establish a committee to oversee the running and maintaining of the cemetery.
In 1954 the first expansion added 159 graves to the original cemetery. A second expansion was in 1977; the last addition was at the end of the 20th century. More recently the cemetery committee planned for and oversaw a project that planted trees, placed granite benches in two lovely locations, had a planter built, and named some of the cemetery’s “streets” after deceased Christ Church rectors, which are indicated by attractive signposts.
The cemetery is still overseen by the Cemetery Committee, which is appointed by the Vestry at the annual meeting.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; even so saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors.
Book of Common Prayer, 469